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11-month group coaching experience to help you remember who you are and why you're here


Imagine skyrocketing into your highest potential.
Every morning you wake up excited about the contribution you're making in the world. You know who you are and why you’re here. You know the value you bring simply by being who you are.
You know the next steps to take toward your vision. You trust that future steps will reveal themselves at the perfect time.

You celebrate every step, even the unexpected ones. You trust that it's ok to adjust your course as you learn and grow.

You have a big vision that motivates you for the future, but you're not waiting for that future to celebrate your success. Every day you already feel successful, fulfilled, and fired up.
I know what it’s like to wonder what you’re here on this planet to do.

Ever since I was in fourth grade, I’ve been told I was going to change the world.

For 20 years I thought it would be by becoming an astronaut.

While writing and meaning-making came more naturally to me, I did equally well in math and science. After earning two engineering degrees from Stanford University and a PhD in astronautical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, I could actually say I was a rocket scientist!

When pre-LASIK eyesight shattered my astronaut dream in 2012, for a while I was lost. I’d wrapped so much of my identity around being an astronaut that I didn’t know who I’d be or what I’d do without it.
What would be special about me now? What was really unique about me? What did I really have to offer the world? Even scarier, how would I fulfill that lifelong expectation of changing the world?
Over the next decade I took a lot of classes, read a lot of books, left my active-duty Air Force career, joined the Air Force Reserve, ventured into the world of entrepreneurship, wrote and published my own book, and invested heavily in my personal and professional development.
Along the way I distilled my many reflections and nuggets of wisdom into core reminders of who I’ve always been. I realized and reconnected with the real work my soul has always done. I gained a deep understanding of how I’ve always been meant to change the world.
My journey has taught me that identity and goals are not synonymous, that even major disappointments hold gifts beyond imagining, and that every experience invites us to take a small step — or a giant leap — into greater alignment with who we really are.
While it would be easy to write off that fourth-grade expectation as too much pressure to put on a kid, today I embrace it.
I embrace it because it was never meant to be an expectation. It was simply a statement of truth.
I AM here to change the world.

I am already changing the world. One day, one smile, and one person at a time.

And so are you.
Changing the world isn’t about what you do. It’s about being YOU.
Introducing GIANT LEAP, an 11-month group coaching experience for rockstar women ready to uncover their unique MAGIC.
On this powerful journey with your fellow rockstars, you’ll clarify:
  • Who you are
  • Why you’re here
  • What you do (your soul work, not your job title)
  • Your personal mission, vision, and values
  • Your unique decision-making criteria
  • Your soul work themes
Through a process of self-awareness, coaching, collaboration, practice, and refinement, you’ll create a personalized, at-a-glance reference that captures all of the above and more so you can connect with your true essence daily, and reconnect whenever you need a reminder of who you really are.
This is your personal Manifesto of the Aligned, Glorious, Inspired Creator that is you.
This is your unique MAGIC.
Ready to own it?
Inside GIANT LEAP you’ll experience:
  • A safe and powerful space to be seen and heard
  • Celebrations of your awesomeness
  • Deep connection with a circle of inspiring rockstar women like you
  • Perspective shifts and concrete action steps that move you forward
  • The clarity, courage, and confidence to embrace your purpose, power, and passion
  • Tangible answers to the most intangible and fundamental questions in the universe: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”
The GIANT LEAP experience takes place in two distinct phases — Groundwork and Flight — linked by a celebratory Launch Ceremony.
Groundwork Phase (6 months)
Discover, uncover, and create your MAGIC through 6 guided modules. We’ll meet twice a week for 3 weeks each month, with a week off to integrate between modules.
🔥Module 1: Foundation
Set intentions for our time together. Grow in self-awareness and awareness of others using the tools of Energy Leadership™, Quantum Human Design™, and the Quantum Alignment System™. Identify where you are (not where you think you should be or where you wish you were) so you can take clear, focused, achievable steps toward where you want to be.
🔥Module 2: NO Muscle Boot Camp
Saying NO isn’t about the thing you’re saying NO to. It’s about liberating your HELL YES. So get ready to exercise your NO muscle. It is a muscle, and it gets stronger with use. In this module you’ll practice saying NO so you can create space to hear the voice of your inner wisdom. In that space you’ll connect with your deepest values and determine your most aligned decision-making criteria.
🔥Module 3: HELL YES Visioning
“Wait, doesn’t visioning usually come first?” Not here. The vision you came in with on Day 1 was limited by your frame of reference on Day 1. The first two modules have expanded your story of what’s possible in your life and in the world. NOW is the time to call in your next-level vision. A vision that fires you up and fills you with passion. A vision that honors the full power of who you are.
🔥Module 4: Implementation
Life is an experiment. You can’t fail — you can only learn. In this module you’ll put what you’ve learned and created so far into action. You’ll experiment, practice, refine, and align. You’ll acknowledge and celebrate your progress, and you’ll adjust course as you go. Keep what works for you and build on it. Let go of what doesn’t work for you. Gather your resources and build your nourishing rituals.
🔥Module 5: Letting Go
As you start to experiment with different choices in your life, your “stuff” will come up. Past pains and fears. Things you thought you’d dealt with. Dynamics you thought were behind you. Patterns you weren't aware of. That’s totally normal! In this module you’ll meet what’s coming up, acknowledge it, learn from it, and let it go. You’ll rewrite your stories to work for you rather than against you. You’ll develop go-to practices to support yourself when “stuff” comes up in the future.
🔥Module 6: Integration
In this module you’ll put it all together. Review and build on all the work you’ve done so far. Integrate what you’ve learned from your practice. Call in your deepest truth and highest potential. Identify where you are now and where you want to go next. Let those be the foundation for growth and expansion in your next iteration. Live and breathe your MAGIC.
Launch Ceremony
Share your living MAGIC with your fellow rockstars. Celebrate and be celebrated for how far you’ve come and for what you’ve created!
Flight Phase (5 months)
Unleash and live your MAGIC on your own while the group container stays open. We’ll reunite for 3 group course check calls to assess and adjust as you evolve and grow into greater alignment with who you really are. Then we’ll wrap it all up with a special Closing Ceremony.
GIANT LEAP welcomes busy professionals with full-time jobs in or outside the home. An early cohort will be held Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 6:30am-8:00am Eastern Time (ET). Pajamas are authorized. 😉
A second cohort will be held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (ET). (Yes, pajamas are still authorized. 😂)
12 seats available per cohort. Please indicate your time preference in your application.
  • Tuesday sessions will be check-ins and facilitated practice, reflection, and collaboration on the topic of the week
  • Thursday sessions will be “office hours” featuring a mixture of laser coaching, discussion, Q&A, and co-working
  • Coursework between sessions will be a mixture of recommended exercises and self-assigned actions
While sessions will be recorded so you’ll have lifetime access to them, you and your cohort will get the most out of this experience through your active participation. Please only apply if you intend to participate in most/all sessions live.
Session Dates
All sessions are 90 minutes, 6:30am-8:00am ET for morning cohort, 1:00pm-2:30pm ET for afternoon cohort
Welcome Ceremony, Orientation, and Module 1 Kickoff: April 18
Module 1 Continued: April 20, 25, 27, May 2, 4
Module 2: May 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, June 1
Module 3: June 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29
Bonus Sound Healing Session: July 13
Module 4: July 18, 20, 25, 27, August 1, 3
Module 5: August 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31
Module 6: September 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
Launch Ceremony: October 5
Course Check #1: November 2
Course Check #2: January 18, 2024
Course Check #3: March 19, 2024
Closing Ceremony: March 21, 2024
  • One 2-hour 1:1 deep dive session with me during the Groundwork Phase
  • One 2-hour 1:1 deep dive session with me during the Flight Phase
  • Your unique Online Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) Assessment and Report
    • A snapshot of where you are energetically combined with a practical framework to shift your energy and perspective in any moment or situation
    • ELI Assessment taken prior to program start and again before Course Check #2 so you can measure your progress and see how far you've come
  • Lifetime access to ONE SMALL STEP (self-paced Energy Leadership™ resources)
  • Your Quantum Human Design™ Chart and additional self-paced resources
    • A tool for understanding your unique energy blueprint, key decision-making strategies, and highest potential
  • Lifetime membership in the EPIC LIFE Community
  • Private community space for your GIANT LEAP cohort during the program
  • Future private community space for GIANT LEAP alums
  • Lifetime access to GIANT LEAP content and your cohort's session recordings
  • Welcome Kit with a signed and personalized copy of my book, Running the World: Marathon Memoirs from the Seven Continents, a copy of Karen Curry Parker’s Encyclopedia of Quantum Human Design™, and other resources and goodies to support your expansion
  • EPIC inspiration, forward momentum, and quantum leaps!
Special pricing for inaugural cohorts!

Pay in Full Option: $3,333 USD

Payment Plan Option: $333 USD/month for 11 months
12 seats per cohort. Accepting applications through April 8.

Once you apply, I’ll review your application and let you know within 48 hours if it feels like a great fit. If so, we’ll schedule a 30-minute call to go over program logistics, the enrollment process, and any additional questions you may have.

"The insight, the direction, and the absolute clarity on what I'm here to share with the world has never been more obvious, bright, and enlivening for me.


If you're on the fence about working with Melissa, take this as your sign and just do it. It is so worth it."


~ Dana Hayes, Business Coach for Soul-led Entrepreneurs


(Hear the full testimonial in her video!)





"My energy had been blocked — and, I was feeling pressure to accept amazing opportunities I simply did not want. With Melissa, I had an epiphany — a realization that my life was indeed my own. Melissa's consult saved me 10 years at a powerful and influential job I did not want, but almost accepted.


I've begun to stop hiding my gifts and I'm allowing myself to take up the space I deserve; and frankly, the response from the world is amazing. People are drawn to me, with relationships and opportunities flowing in. I feel unblocked and able to be my unapologetic and loving self. Life isn't about goals — life is really just an experience and a journey that deserves to be valued."


~ A very grateful and highly successful client






"So often in the past I have felt stuck. I simply didn't know how to break out of the patterns I found myself in. This is a different kind of support than I've received anywhere else, and it's exactly what I needed at this point in my life. Instead of fighting to swim across a rushing river, working with Melissa felt like leapfrogging from step to step. I felt supported, I made forward progress, and it wasn't that hard. I see and understand my past patterns with more compassion, and I'm grounded in newfound hope for my future."


~ Ingrid Czintos, Massage Therapist






"Without a doubt employing a coach is challenging work, but Melissa's energy and enthusiasm fuel every session. She keeps the work interesting, sourcing the Universe and harnessing real-life situations to build an integrated strategy. I had never worked with a coach before and I can't imagine achieving a fraction of the results I did without Melissa's guidance and support."


~ Physics PhD - Team Leader - Program Manager


Dr. Melissa Corley Carter, The Barefoot Dancing Rocket Scientist, is an actual rocket scientist, 7 continents marathoner, astronaut reject, speaker, award-winning author, and certified professional coach who helps rockstar women own their awesomeness.


Before becoming a coach, Melissa spent twenty years aspiring to become an astronaut. She earned two engineering degrees from Stanford University, was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, and earned a PhD in astronautical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. Despite perfect vision after corrective eye surgery, her pre-surgical eyesight disqualified her and shattered her astronaut dream.

In the years since, she’s realized that her astronaut dream emerged from an intuitive knowing of her spiritual connection with the universe, from a desire to inspire people to greatness the way astronauts had always inspired her, and from the vision of a unified and harmonious world.


Melissa’s journey has taught her that identity and goals are not synonymous, that even major disappointments hold gifts beyond imagining, and that every experience invites us to take a small step — or a giant leap — into greater alignment with who we really are.

Melissa is the author and photographer of the award-winning 2021 coffee table book, Running the World: Marathon Memoirs from the Seven Continents. In her book she shares her outer journey across the continents and her inner journey of recovering from shattered dreams and realigning her life with powerful purpose.


Melissa is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, where she serves as an executive coach, strategic advisor, and leadership development facilitator. Prior to joining the reserve, her active duty assignments included laser test engineering, adaptive optics research and development, satellite acquisitions and operations, and aide-de-camp and executive officer to senior leaders.

An inspirational force of nature, Melissa is here to celebrate the power of who you are and to fire you up with passion for the life you live.

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